Red Hat Subscription Manager
Red Hat Subscription Manager

Solution Red Hat Subscription Manager 2020

Learn how to activate and configure repositories using the Red Hat Subscription Manager command line. Manage all your infrastructure licenses…

Register Red Hat Subscription

subscription-manager register --username admin-example --password secret
subscription-manager register --username admin-example --password secret --auto-attach

Remove Red Hat Subscription

subscription-manager remove --all

Regenerating identity certificates

subscription-manager identity --regenerate --force

List all available repos for the system

subscription-manager repos --list
subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-6-server-optional-rpms

Disabling the Subscription Manager repository

If you are on a Lab environment and you don’t need the RedHat Subscription manager to maintain you packages it is possible to disable it.

subscription-manager config --rhsm.manage_repos=0

Using an HTTP proxy

Many times we don’t have direct access to the internet and the use of an Proxy server is necessary, to configure the RedHat Subscription Manager through a Proxy execute :

subscription-manager config

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